The "Beekeeping in Northern Climates" Manual and Workbook are companion resources created by the University of Minnesota's Bee Lab to help beekeepers understand and apply region-specific best practices.

Beekeeping in Northern Climates Manual
The third edition of "Beekeeping in Northern Climates Manual" is a guide from the University of Minnesota Bee Lab for both new and experienced beekeepers managing hives in the Upper Midwest. This manual is grounded in honey bee biology and their natural life cycles, offering region-specific best practices to assist beekeepers during their first two years and beyond.
What’s Inside?
✔ Step-by-step guidance for seasonal beekeeping, from acquiring bees in early spring to winter preparation
✔ Insights into two common hive configurations—two-deep and three-deep systems—with pros and cons for each
✔ “Biology Boxes” explaining the science behind management practices
✔ “Words of Wisdom” tips from experienced beekeepers
✔ Appendices covering alternative management systems, advanced queen practices, and hive reorganization
✔ Illustrations by Anne Turnham and photos from the University of Minnesota Bee Lab
A Northern Go-To Beekeeping Resource
Designed as a reference you’ll return to season after season, this manual helps beekeepers build a strong foundation in honey bee biology and informed hive management. Whether you’re preparing for your first hive or refining your techniques, this guide supports your journey in the ever-evolving world of beekeeping.
Pair it with the Beekeeping in Northern Climates Workbook (right) for a hands-on approach to tracking colony health and inspections.

Beekeeping in Northern Climates Workbook
Successful beekeeping begins with consistent record-keeping. The "Beekeeping in Northern Climates Workbook" serves as a practical companion to the "Beekeeping in Northern Climates Manual, Third Edition." It is designed to help beekeepers monitor colony health, document inspections, and review past reports for effective problem-solving.
The purpose of this workbook is to assist beekeepers with guided note-taking and training on how to inspect a colony.
What’s Inside?
Developed with support from a SARE grant, this workbook includes:
✔ Guided note-taking sheets for apiaries, queen history, and individual colony inspections
✔ Training on how to inspect a colony and identify potential issues
✔ Practical tools for tracking seasonal tasks and colony health
How to Use the Workbook with a Mentor
If you’re working with a beekeeping mentor, this workbook helps streamline communication. Beekeepers are encouraged to share:
- Photos of brood frames and any unusual signs
- Colony inspection reports and varroa mite test results
- Varroa mite management plans
Want more information? See the related SARE grant:
This material is based upon work that is supported by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture through the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.