North Central SARE strengthens communities, increases producers' economic viability, and improves the environment through grants and education.

Learn more about our grants

NOTE: We are currently holding new Calls for Proposals pending notification from our funding source, USDA-NIFA. All NIFA Requests for Applications are under review. You can check back for updates or subscribe to our mailing list to be notified when the Calls are released. We plan to shift the due dates to approximately 60 days after the Calls are released.

About North Central SARE

NCR-SARE offers competitive grants and educational opportunities for producers, scientists, educators, institutions, organizations and others exploring sustainable agriculture in America’s Midwest.

The successful framework created throughout this project will continue with every growing season and forever impact food production in this community. The community has expressed interest in continuing to hold on-farm demonstrations of Mohican and sustainable farming techniques. Our goal is to continue sharing this knowledge as we grow and learn on the farm.

northcentral SARE map
Learn about North Central SARE