Since 1988, the SARE grants and education program has helped advance agricultural innovation that promotes economic viability, stewardship of the land, air and water, and quality of life for farmers, ranchers and their communities.
grant making
Since 1988, SARE has funded more than 4,200 projects with grants to farmers, ranchers and ag professionals.
SARE's decentralized structure is comprised of four regional offices, each run by an administrative council of volunteer farmers, ranchers and other stakeholders who set regional priorities and make grants.
practical information
SARE Outreach produces a wealth of practical information for farmers, ranchers and educators: books, bulletins, online resources and a database of projects reports.
professional development
SARE's Professional Development Program builds the awareness, knowledge and skills of ag professionals—such as Cooperative Extension, NRCS, FSA, private sector and NGOs—in sustainable practices.
SARE began in 1988 in response to the upswelling of demand for solid, science-based sustainable ag research and information.

Vision and Mission
Guiding principles of SARE.