North Central SARE's network of state coordinators–housed at each land grant university throughout the region–conduct train-the-trainer programs and share information about our grant programs and other sustainable agriculture resources in their respective states.
State Contacts

Ben Beckman
Extension Educator
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Ben Beckman is a Beef Systems Assistant Extension Educator at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He has expertise in grazing systems and forage management. Beckman grew up on a family farm near Elgin, Nebraska, where he was involved in 4-H and FFA.

Katja Koehler-Cole
Extension Educator
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Katja Koehler-Cole is a Soil Health Management Extension Educator with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Hailing from Germany, she has expertise in cover crops, soil health, and soil quality.
Since 1988, SARE has awarded numerous grants in every state and Island Protectorate. Aimed at advancing sustainable innovations, these grants add up to an impressive portfolio of sustainable agriculture efforts across the nation.

in funding since 1988*
212 projects
funded since 1988*
* These totals reflect available data; complete information may not be available for all grant programs prior to 2016.
Recent Stories from Nebraska

Shedding Light on Ranchers’ Views of Grassland Conservation Payments in Nebraska
University of Nebraska doctoral candidate Kyle Martens found many ranchers are willing to use grazing practices that promote biodiversity.