TEST Farmer Rancher Grant

Managing Your Farmer Rancher Grant

If you are a grantee or a member of a project team, you can use this section to find out about how to manage your SARE award. You may also want to read this section to understand SARE's expectations before submitting a grant application.

This 2020 Farmer Rancher Grant Program presentation explains the reporting and management requirements for the Farmer Rancher grant.

  • Watch a narrated presentation about managing your Farmer Rancher Grant (forthcoming)
  • Download a presentation about managing your grant either as a basic PDF or an editable PowerPoint presentation (PDF or PowerPoint)

Reporting Instructions for Farmer Rancher Grants

As part of the contract for receiving SARE funds, grantees are required to provide progress and final reports on their research and education efforts on the SARE reporting website. These online reports list contact information, summarize project findings, and outline objectives, research methods/ education efforts, and results. This growing body of knowledge on sustainable agriculture is freely accessible to the public online.

Project coordinators submit an annual report and budget, followed by a final report and final budget at the project's conclusion. Project coordinators are encouraged to upload supporting materials and products that they have developed through their projects. 

Reports are reviewed by the NCR-SARE Farmer Rancher Grant Program Coordinator before being posted to the SARE website.

If you have received a grant from NCR-SARE and need to submit a report, these instructions explain the process for submitting an NCR-SARE project report using the SARE Grants Management System. 

Whenever you add information to the reporting website, be sure to scroll to the top or bottom before leaving the page. Click on the “Save” button to save your work. When you are ready to turn your report in for review, click on the “Submit” button.

General Financial Requirements for the Farmer Rancher Program

For Farmer Rancher grants, funds will be disbursed as follows: grant recipients receive 50% of the grant to start their project. They receive an additional 35% after submitting a satisfactory progress report, and they receive the remaining 15% upon completion of the project. The final payment is a reimbursement.

  • We require annual reports each year and a final report 60 days after the project ends. For Farmer Rancher, we require annual reports each year and a final report on or before the project end date. 
  • We will not make a final payment until all reports are submitted.
  • Please note that food can only be included as part of your project if it is to provide for the continuity of the meeting. Be sure to submit a meeting agenda and attendee list for food expense reimbursement.

Requesting a No-Cost Extension or Rebudget for Farmer Rancher Grants

NCR-SARE grantees may request a no-cost extension for their project if it will not be completed by the project end date. Grantees are encouraged to make their requests at least two months before the project's original end date.

No-cost extension and rebudgeting requests should be emailed to the relevant program contact for the particular NCR-SARE grant program you have received funding for. 

For Farmer Rancher Grants, send no-cost extension and rebudget requests to Joan Benjamin.

Joan Benjamin
Associate Regional Coordinator
Phone: 573-681-5545
Email: BenjaminJ@lincolnu.edu

Send the email or letter well before the current end date of the project.

Information that must be included in your letter:

  • The NCR-SARE project number (FNC##-####)
  • The proposed new end date of your project
  • The reason for the request

If the way that you plan to spend the remaining funds is much different from what was originally proposed, we also need a copy of your revised budget for our files. Please use the following template:

 Original BudgetRevised BudgetChange
Materials and Supplies   
Other Direct Costs   
Equipment, Livestock, Permanent Fencing, Perennial Seeds and Plants (Must be 50% or less of the total cost of each item)   

If the scope of work has changed along with the budget, your proposed changes will need to be approved by our Executive Committee.

The final report and final budget for your project must be received by the NCR-SARE office before the final end date of your project. 

NCR-SARE will not award the final payment for the project until the final report and final budget are submitted and approved.

Promoting and Publicizing your SARE Project

Do you have an upcoming field day or webinar scheduled as part of your SARE project? Would you like our help publicizing or promoting your SARE project? NCR-SARE can help! 

If you're interested in having help promoting your SARE project-related event, please email the following information to NCR-SARE Communications Specialist, Marie Flanagan at mart1817@umn.edu

  • NCR-SARE Grant Project Number (i.e. FNC##-###):
  • Grantee's First and Last Name:
  • Name of Event:
  • Date of Event:
  • Location of Event (Venue, City, State):
  • Website for Event:
  • Type of Event (i.e. field day, webinar, conference):
  • Registration Information:
  • How can NCR-SARE help?
  • Twitter handle, instagram handle, and/or Facebook page name


NCR-SARE can also send you SARE-related educational resources for you to share at your event. You can view many of our outreach materials online. We have nationalregional, and state-based materials.  If you're interested in receiving copies of SARE materials to promote your project, please contact Marie Flanagan to make arrangements at mart1817@umn.edu

Social Media

Social media represents a powerful way of connecting with and delivering information to NCR-SARE’s range of audiences, including farmers and ranchers, agricultural educators, researchers, the agricultural media, service providers, government agencies and others. Tagging or mentioning NCR-SARE in your social media posts will give NCR-SARE the opportunity to share your social media posts with our expanding social media audience. You can follow NCR-SARE and mention NCR-SARE in your grant project-related posts - we're @ncrsare on twitter, Facebook, and instagram. On Facebook, you can tag NCR-SARE in your photos or posts about your SARE project. You can tag NCR-SARE in any post or comment section by typing @NCRSARE in the post. Click on the "Tag photo" option at the bottom of the photo to tag @NCRSARE in a photo. Facebook will send a notification to us that we've been tagged in your posts and photos, and then we can share your information with our Facebook friends. 

On Twitter and instagram, a message that contains another user’s @username anywhere in the body of the message is called a "mention." When you mention @ncrsare in a message, the message will be immediately sent to the home stream of everyone who is following you. When you mention @ncrsare on twitter or instagram, we'll get a notification. Then we can share your information with our Twitter and instagram followers.

Forms for Submitting Photos with your Grant Project

These forms serve as our confirmation that SARE and USDA will have the rights to use and distribute the photographs you submit in conjunction with your SARE grant project.

Farmer Field Day Toolkit

Field days are a great way to share innovative ideas in sustainable agriculture with fellow farmers and ranchers, but organizing an event can be time-consuming, especially if you have limited experience. SARE's Farmer Field Day Toolkit can take some of the pressure off—it provides tips and tools on key aspects of event planning.

Acknowledging SARE and USDA-NIFA as your Funding Sources


Language and logos have been developed to include on products and publications associated with SARE, and were updated in 2015. The awardee is responsible for acknowledging SARE and USDA-NIFA support verbally during news media interviews that discuss work supported by SARE.


If you have any questions, please contact the NCR-SARE office.

NCR-SARE Main Office
1390 Eckles Ave, Suite 120
University of Minnesota
Saint Paul, MN 55108
Phone: 612-626-3113
Main Email: ncrsare@umn.edu