NCR-SARE Seeking Review Committee Members

October 3, 2023
Sherman Reed is a farmer and a District Conservationist for the National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). He runs an organic farm in Michigan and is an NCR-SARE’s Administrative Council member. “I get to communicate and learn from a diversity of individuals (multicultural scientists/professionals and farmers) from the Midwest,” said Reed. “It's exciting to read, learn, and critique the ongoing and latest agricultural trends, environmental resource concerns, and urban/rural farmers' struggles. I just love the challenges of the agricultural industry and revolution!” - Sherman Reed.

The North Central Region - Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (NCR-SARE) is seeking members* for the following grant review committees: 

  • Research and Education Grant Program Review Committee (Technical Committee)
  • Farmer Rancher Grant Program Review Committee
  • Partnership Grant Program Review Committee
  • Professional Development Grant Program (PDP) Review Committee
  • Graduate Student Grant Program Review Committee
  • Youth Educator Grant Program Review Committee

*Review committee members must live and work in one of the 12 states that comprise the North Central SARE region. Those states are IL, IN, IA, KS, MI, MN, MO, ND, NE, OH, SD, and WI.

NCR-SARE’s review committees review proposals and make recommendations to the Administrative Council, which can be a rewarding and educating experience for those interested in sustainable production and the grant-making process.

Each NCR-SARE review committee has varying requirements, but review committee members are generally required to review proposals, discuss the proposals on a conference call or in person, and provide recommendations to the Administrative Council. An NCR-SARE review committee member may not apply to that particular grant program while serving on that committee.

Complete this online form to apply for one of NCR-SARE’s grant review committees. In addition to completing the online form, we request that you provide a 1-2 page resume or curriculum vitae (CV) if you have one and email it to [email protected]. Recommendations can also be sent to that email address. We will acknowledge receipt of the materials and reply regarding the selection process's outcome.  

NCR-SARE is one of four regional offices that run the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program, a nationwide grants and education program to advance sustainable innovation to American agriculture. Since 1988, NCR-SARE has awarded more than $100 million worth of competitive grants to farmers and ranchers, researchers, educators, public and private institutions, nonprofit groups, and others exploring sustainable agriculture in 12 states. The SARE program is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture — National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA-NIFA).

Related Locations: North Central