www.sare.org resources guia-del-agricultorn-sobre-estructuras-empresariales Guía del Agricultorn Sobre Estructuras Empresariales Establecer y mantener la correcta estructura empresarial para la operación de su granja sienta las bases para un negocio agrícola estable y resiliente. La formación de una estructura empresarial puede...
www.sare.org resources a-farmers-guide-to-crop-quality-for-wholesale-outlets A Farmer's Guide to Crop Quality for Wholesale Outlets This 20-page guide aims to support beginning farmers looking to improve quality and consistency of farm produce in order to expand sales to include wholesale accounts. Focused on tomatoes, cucurbits...
www.sare.org resources the-small-ruminant-toolbox The Small Ruminant Toolbox Sheep and goat enterprises offer diversification opportunities for small and limited-resource farmers. This Small Ruminant Toolbox was developed by the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) in order to provide...
www.sare.org resources building-sustainable-farms-ranches-and-communities Building Sustainable Farms, Ranches and Communities This guide lists funding opportunities offered by federal programs, and is indispensable for anyone seeking government help to foster their innovative enterprise in forestry and agriculture. Specifically, it addresses program...
www.sare.org resources farm-to-hospital-toolkit Farm to Hospital Toolkit This twelve-part document contains tools that farmers, ranchers and hospitals can use as they work to increase direct hospital purchases from local farmers.
www.sare.org resources how-to-guide-for-aspiring-urban-micro-agricultural-entrepreneurs How-to-Guide for Aspiring Urban Micro-Agricultural Entrepreneurs The How-to-Guide for Aspiring Urban Micro-Agricultural Entrepreneurs was created by Sustainable Urban Development for residents of West Philadelphia who want to increase their access to fresh, healthy and affordable food....
www.sare.org resources how-to-begin-your-small-farm-dream How to Begin Your Small Farm Dream This plain language guide from New Entry Sustainable Farming Project is for people who want to start a small farm. It will help you consider the benefits and challenges of owning a...
www.sare.org resources applying-for-the-conservation-stewardship-program-csp Applying for the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) This plain language guide from New Entry Sustainable Farming Project provides information to farmers who are interested in applying for the USDA-NRCS Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), which pays farmers to...
www.sare.org resources wholesale-packing-resource-guide Wholesale Packing Resource Guide This plain language guide from New Entry Sustainable Farming Project is for farmers and ranchers interested in selling to supermarkets, produce distributors, restaurants and institutions. The guide explains packing requirements...
www.sare.org resources sustainable-food-purchasing-guide Sustainable Food Purchasing Guide This guide was published by the Yale Sustainable Food Project through a Northeast SARE grant to help institutions determine how to source the most sustainable food for their kitchens. It...
www.sare.org resources selling-at-a-farmers-market Selling at a Farmers Market This plain language guide from New Entry Sustainable Farming Project explains how to begin selling agricultural products at a farmers' market. The guide covers the following topics: choosing a market,...
www.sare.org resources applying-for-environmental-quality-incentives-program-eqip Applying for Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) This plain language guide from New Entry Sustainable Farming Project introduces readers to the USDA-NRCS Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), which pays farmers and ranchers to implement practices that protect...
www.sare.org resources financing-the-farm-applying-for-an-fsa-loan Financing the Farm: Applying for an FSA Loan This plain language guide from New Entry Sustainable Farming Project helps farmers apply for a USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) loan. These loans can help producers start, expand or own...
www.sare.org resources guide-to-usdas-nass-end-of-season-fruit-and-vegetable-inquiry Guide to USDA's NASS End of Season Fruit and Vegetable Inquiry This plain language guide from New Entry Sustainable Farming Project helps farmers complete the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) End of Season Fruit and Vegetable Survey. The guide explains...
www.sare.org resources managing-risks-on-the-small-farm Managing Risks on the Small Farm This plain language guide from New Entry Sustainable Farming Project introduces farmers to the risks of farming. It explains the five types of risk—production, marketing, worker, legal and financial—and provides...
www.sare.org resources high-tunnels High Tunnels Table of contents Case Studies-----------------------------2 High Tunnels and Marketing--------23 Site Considerations--------------------26 Selecting Your Structure-----------28 Construction Tips---------------------40 Environmental Management--------47 Soil and Crop Management---------54 Pest Management--------------------60 The manual was written by Ted...
www.sare.org resources dairy-your-way Dairy Your Way This publication was created to provide information that will help producers explore the many choices available for today’s dairy farms. This book is not intended to be a how-to dairy...
northcentral.sare.org resources iowa-meat-processors-resource-guidebook Iowa Meat Processors’ Resource Guidebook This guidebook explains the resources available at the local, state and national levels to assist small Iowa meat processors who seek to begin, upgrade or expand their businesses. This book...
northcentral.sare.org resources come-and-get-it-on-farm-food-service-manual Come and Get it! On-Farm Food Service Manual As interest in knowing where your food comes from continues to boom, local food fans are increasingly flocking to on-farm dining experiences, from multi-course farm-to-table meals to family-friendly pizza nights....
northcentral.sare.org resources training-manual-for-applied-agroforestry-practices Training Manual for Applied Agroforestry Practices Agroforestry practices help landowners diversify products, markets, and farm income; improve soil and water quality; and reduce erosion, non-point source pollution, and flood damage. The integrated agroforestry practices enhance land...