www.sare.org resources soil-health-principles-and-practices-videos Soil Health Principles and Practices Videos Investing in soil health is critical to the success of all farms, but many beginning and socially disadvantaged farmers struggle to put soil health principles into practice. There can be...
www.sare.org resources smart-water-use-on-your-farm-or-ranch Smart Water Use on Your Farm or Ranch As producers throughout the nation grow increasingly concerned about water scarcity, farmers, ranchers and agricultural educators are beginning to explore new, conservation-oriented approaches to water use. They are managing soil...
www.sare.org resources what-is-soil-health What is Soil Health? Why is soil health so important? More and more, producers are understanding that healthy soils are more productive and lead to healthier crops. Dig into this interactive infographic to learn...
www.sare.org resources economic-and-environmental-aspects-of-cover-crops Economic and Environmental Aspects of Cover Crops Session recordings on this page include: Economics of Cover Crops Business Opportunities with Cover Crops and Soil Health Environmental Impacts of Cover Crop Systems Economics of Cover Crops Speakers will...
www.sare.org resources cover-crops Cover Crops for Sustainable Crop Rotations A condensed version of this page is available as a four-page PDF, Cover Crops for Sustainable Crop Rotations, or use the Order in Print button on this page to order free...
www.sare.org resources cover-crops-soil-health-principles-and-maximizing-yields Cover Crops, Soil Health Principles and Maximizing Yields Improving soil health not only cleans up water quality and reduces soil loss but also provides a better environment for cash crops to succeed. Learn about basic soil health principles...
www.sare.org resources cover-crops-seed-selection-and-planting Cover Crops Seed Selection and Planting Knowing which cover crops to pick for your farm's goals can be daunting. So many options exist that it is sometimes hard to know what to pick and then how...
www.sare.org resources applying-for-the-conservation-stewardship-program-csp Applying for the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) This plain language guide from New Entry Sustainable Farming Project provides information to farmers who are interested in applying for the USDA-NRCS Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), which pays farmers to...
www.sare.org resources applying-for-environmental-quality-incentives-program-eqip Applying for Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) This plain language guide from New Entry Sustainable Farming Project introduces readers to the USDA-NRCS Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), which pays farmers and ranchers to implement practices that protect...
www.sare.org resources rangeland-management-strategies Rangeland Management Strategies Features innovative SARE-funded research on creating and sustaining a healthy range. Throughout, researchers and ranchers share goals and successes in winter and multi-species grazing, managing forage and other vegetation and protecting...
www.sare.org resources managing-cover-crops-profitably-3rd-edition Managing Cover Crops Profitably, 3rd Edition Managing Cover Crops Profitably explores how and why cover crops work, and provides all the information needed to build cover crops into any farming operation. Along with detailed management information...
www.sare.org resources diversifying-cropping-systems Diversifying Cropping Systems Today's crop farmers, with their prices global and their costs local, are ensnared in an ever-tightening profit squeeze. Many of them have begun seeking alternative crops that command higher prices...
northcentral.sare.org resources training-manual-for-applied-agroforestry-practices Training Manual for Applied Agroforestry Practices Agroforestry practices help landowners diversify products, markets, and farm income; improve soil and water quality; and reduce erosion, non-point source pollution, and flood damage. The integrated agroforestry practices enhance land...
northcentral.sare.org resources women-caring-for-the-land-improving-conservation-outreach-to-female-non-operator-farmland-owners-curriculum-manual Women Caring for the Land: Improving Conservation Outreach to Female Non-Operator Farmland Owners Curriculum Manual The percentage of women who are sole landowners is rising. Many women express strong conservation values in meetings and surveys but are often unsure of how to turn those values...
western.sare.org resources a-sunn-hemp-cover-crop-for-soil-health-and-nematode-management A Sunn Hemp Cover Crop for Soil Health and Nematode Management These University of Hawaii fact sheets and virtual field day explain how to use sunn hemp as a cover crop to control weeds, nematodes and other pests, add soil nutrients,...
western.sare.org resources mixed-cover-crops Mixed Cover Crops An informational video on the pros and cons of planting mixed cover crops which are often used to replace fallow. Focus is on effects of cover crops on soil quality...