
Showing 1-7 of 7 results

Midwestern Hemp Database

The Midwestern Hemp Database (MHD) is an interactive tool that houses all of the research done by the Midwestern Hemp Research Collaborative (MHRC)

Building a Mobile Hops Dryer

With support from an NCR-SARE Farmer Rancher grant, David Volkman of Ohio Valley Hops built a mobile hop dryer that incorporates best drying practices for small-scale hop growers. 

Toward a Sustainable Agriculture: A Curriculum for High School Classes

This free high-school curriculum addresses the social, environmental and economic impacts of agriculture. The curriculum provides a critical analysis of agricultural and food systems, and helps students understand new concepts through hands-on examples. The curriculum includes six modules, designed to be incorporated into existing classes.

Internship Curriculum for Food Farmers

With the help of an NCR-SARE Farmer Rancher Grant, three farmers worked with interns to develop 26 educational power point modules as part of a comprehensive intern educational program. The internship curriculum is useful for small farmers to use on their own to educate themselves and to provide a rich experience for interns.  

Adapting Crop Share Agreements for Sustainable and Organic Agriculture

When the farming system deviates from a conventional corn-soybean rotation, the usual division of costs and returns in a 50-50 crop share lease may no longer fairly reflect the inputs of each party. This sheet demonstrates how crop share agreements can be adapted for sustainable and organic agriculture.