Showing 1-7 of 7 results

The New Growers’ Guide to Producing Organic Food-Grade Grains in The Upper Midwest
This guide is intended for farmers interested in adding food-grade grains to their rotations, whether they are new to farming, or interested in incorporating these grains into an existing commodity grain, diversified vegetable, or livestock operation.

Midwestern Hemp Database
The Midwestern Hemp Database (MHD) is an interactive tool that houses all of the research done by the Midwestern Hemp Research Collaborative (MHRC)

Building a Mobile Hops Dryer
With support from an NCR-SARE Farmer Rancher grant, David Volkman of Ohio Valley Hops built a mobile hop dryer that incorporates best drying practices for small-scale hop growers.

Toward a Sustainable Agriculture: A Curriculum for High School Classes
This free high-school curriculum addresses the social, environmental and economic impacts of agriculture. The curriculum provides a critical analysis of agricultural and food systems, and helps students understand new concepts through hands-on examples. The curriculum includes six modules, designed to be incorporated into existing classes.

Internship Curriculum for Food Farmers
With the help of an NCR-SARE Farmer Rancher Grant, three farmers worked with interns to develop 26 educational power point modules as part of a comprehensive intern educational program. The internship curriculum is useful for small farmers to use on their own to educate themselves and to provide a rich experience for interns.

Sustainable Agriculture Learning Modules for High School Agriculture
Established with the aid of a NCR-SARE Professional Development grant, these Sustainable Agriculture Learning Modules from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln were created to offer insight into what sustainability within agriculture actually looks like.

Adapting Crop Share Agreements for Sustainable and Organic Agriculture
When the farming system deviates from a conventional corn-soybean rotation, the usual division of costs and returns in a 50-50 crop share lease may no longer fairly reflect the inputs of each party. This sheet demonstrates how crop share agreements can be adapted for sustainable and organic agriculture.