South Dakota SARE Mini Grants and Travel Scholarship

South Dakota Mini-Grants

Description: The SARE Professional Development Program in South Dakota is accepting applications for mini-grants to support professional development for people acting as advisors to farmers and ranchers, or to ag. instructors in South Dakota (e.g.  Extension and NRCS Personnel, crop advisors / agronomists, and Master Gardeners).

Amount Available: Maximum of $4,500 per grant.  Grants that include matching funds will be viewed favorably.  South Dakota anticipates funding four grants in this program.

Note:  Funding of all proposals is subject to approval from the regional NCR-SARE office. 

Examples of potential programs: Workshop on training crop advisors in IPM techniques, organizing a bus trip to relevant regional or national meetings; conducting field days for crop advisors on livestock or crop management or soil health; organizing a conference on climate or drought impacts on crop production.

Deadline: Pending availability of funding, the intention is to accept applications on an on-going basis and review them within 2 months of receipt.

To Apply:  Use the form provided for South Dakota State-Level Mini-Grants.  More information will be requested if needed by the reviewers.

Contact: Contact South Dakota SARE State Co-Coordinator David Karki, [email protected], Phone: 605-882-5140

South Dakota Travel Scholarships

Description: The SARE Professional Development Program in South Dakota is accepting travel scholarship applications for professional development. This funding is intended for people acting as advisors or instructors to farmers in South Dakota.  Some examples include:  Extension and NRCS Personnel, High School Ag. Teachers, Master Gardeners, and others.  These funds are intended for professionals who provide information on sustainable agriculture to farmers and advance American agriculture in a sustainable manner.

Two-thirds of the cost of travel for accepted applicants in accordance with South Dakota in-state and out-of-state travel rates ( Most awards fall into the range of $500 for in state, $1500 for out of state. If you have special circumstances, please include that information in your application.

Note:  Funding of all applications is subject to approval from the Regional-SARE office.

Examples of Potential Programs for Attendees: State, regional, or national level; conferences, workshops or training seminars that reinforce SARE’s mission —to advance the whole of American agriculture—innovations that improve economic viability, stewardship and quality of life by investing in groundbreaking research and education.  Some examples of relevant programs: cover crop workshop, climate change conference, local foods seminar, grass fed beef conference, high tunnel workshop. 

Deadline: Applications will be accepted and reviewed on an on-going basis.  Scholarship award is dependent on the relative merit of the application and availability of grant funds. Submissions received two weeks in advance will increase the likelihood of funding and allow ample time for processing.  For those who are not University employees, if your travel scholarship application is accepted you will need to fill out a W-9 form in order to be reimbursed for travel expenses (this only takes a few minutes).   

To Apply:  Use the form provided for South Dakota Travel Scholarships.

Contact: Contact South Dakota SARE State Co-Coordinator David Karki, [email protected], Phone: 605-882-5140