NCR-SARE Leadership and Policies

North Central Region SARE is managed and led by our regional Administrative Council, State Coordinators, regional Technical and review committees, and staff.

NCR-SARE Administrative Council

The NCR-SARE Administrative Council (AC) sets program priorities, approves the budget and makes proposal funding decisions for all grant programs. The eighteen members fill designated slots for three-year terms, a maximum of two terms.  Position openings are advertised via press releases, and current AC members elect new members from nominations.

Council members are expected to attend Council meetings (in-person February and July, throughout the region), review proposals and other materials distributed between meetings, and participate on NCR-SARE committees and occasional between-meeting conference calls.

State Coordinators 

Professional Development Program (PDP) State Coordinators represent land-grant institutions in the North Central region. PDP Coordinators direct sustainable agriculture education in their respective states. If you need help with any related issue please contact your State Representative for assistance.

NCR-SARE Grant Review Committees

The NCR-SARE Technical Committee and other grant program review committees review proposals and make recommendations to the Administrative Council. Recommendations and self-nominations to serve on NCR-SARE grant program review committees are welcome. Learn more here.

NCR-SARE State Advisory Committees

Each of the 12 North Central Region states has an advisory committee that provides input into SARE programs at the state level, including the development of state plans of work. SARE funds for mini-grants, travel scholarships, and other professional development programs.  These committees generally meet once per year in person (typically 2-4 hours) and sometimes once or twice per year by conference call (normally an hour at a time).  The committee is a diverse mix of 10-15 people, including university extension staff, non-profit organization representatives, farmers and ranchers, state and federal agency personnel, and sometimes private sector agriculture representatives.  SARE state advisory committees also provide guidance on the use of travel and mini-grant funds within the state.


Primarily housed at the University of Minnesota, NCR-SARE's staff carries out Administrative Council directives, collecting and distributing SARE information on sustainable agriculture. Staff members are also located at Lincoln University and the University of Missouri.


To be considered for an NCR-SARE committee, email [email protected], indicate the committee(s) of interest and include a short bio or resume.

You can also visit the Western, Southern and Northeast region SARE programs, or find contacts from the SARE Outreach.