NCR-SARE Announces 2023 Youth Educator Call for Proposals

August 26, 2022
Growing Solutions Farm received a SARE grant to enhance their sustainable growing program in Chicago that engages with young, diverse, West Side learners. Tucker Kelly (right) with Growing Solutions Farm passes a bin of produce to Linda Wygant of Grace Seeds Ministries. The farm shares fresh produce with food pantries through a partnership with Grace Seeds Ministries. Photo courtesy of Urban Autism Solutions.

The 2023 North Central Region - Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (NCR-SARE) Youth Educator Grant Call for Proposals is now open.

Youth Educator Grant projects provide opportunities for youth in the North Central Region to learn more about sustainable agriculture (farming and ranching that is ecologically sound, economically viable, and socially responsible).  Educators use the grants to encourage young people and their families to try sustainable practices and see sustainable agriculture as a viable career option. Projects should help youth discover that sustainable farming and ranching is profitable; good for families, communities, and their quality of life; and good for the environment long term.

The maximum amount for grants is $6,000, and a total of approximately $90,000 is available for this program.

NCR-SARE will be accepting online submissions for the Youth Educator Grant Program. More information about the online submission system can be found in the call for proposals.


Interested applicants can find the call for proposals online as well as useful information for completing a proposal at  

You can find more information about sustainability at and in the Youth Education Topic Room at:


Proposals must be received online or in the NCR-SARE office by mail or email by 4pm CST, Thursday, November 10, 2022.


Applicants with questions can contact Joan Benjamin, Associate Regional Coordinator and Youth Educator Grant Program Coordinator.

Joan Benjamin
Associate Regional Coordinator
Phone: 573-681-5545
Email: [email protected]

Applicants should also contact Joan Benjamin if they need a hard copy or an email version of the call for proposals. We revise our calls for proposals each year, which means it is crucial to use the most recent call for proposals.

Each state in SARE's North Central Region has one or more State Sustainable Agriculture Coordinators who can provide information and assistance to potential grant applicants. Interested applicants can find their State Sustainable Agriculture Coordinator online at

Related Locations: North Central