Newsroom Page: 4

Showing 61-80 of 126 results news new-sare-video-managing-weeds-in-an-organic-almond-orchard

New SARE Video: Managing Weeds in an Organic Almond Orchard

Many organic and conventional farmers are seeking ways to eliminate or reduce their use of synthetic herbicides. Understanding weeds is the first step towards managing them efficiently and ecologically. Now, two new videos in SARE’s Manage Weeds on Your Farm series explore organic almond grove weed control on Burroughs Family Farm’s 1,200-acre orchard in Denair, […]

SARE logo featuring a yellow setting sun and two green hills with contour news farmers-share-your-thoughts-on-cover-crops-in-the-national-cover-crop-survey

Farmers: Share Your Thoughts on Cover Crops in the National Cover Crop Survey!

Farmers are invited to share their thoughts on cover crops in an online survey at Why do you plant cover crops...or why don't you? What do you want to know? Your insight will help guide research, communications, seed development, and more. This National Cover Crop Survey is the seventh since 2012 conducted by the USDA-NIFA […]

Scrabble tiles spelling out the word news the-biggest-asset-is-you

The Biggest Asset Is You

Utah State University (USU) Extension professor Josh Dallin had just wrapped up a presentation about livestock before an audience of farmers and ranchers, and he asked if there was any other information his listeners needed. The response was surprisingly out of the ordinary. “One of our largest cattle producers raised his hand and said, ‘I’m […]

transitioning to organic production news new-sare-bulletin-transitioning-to-organic-production

New SARE Bulletin: Transitioning to Organic Production

Since the 1990 Organic Foods Production Act passed, the market for organic products has steadily risen. In 2020, organic sales skyrocketed to an all-time high, motivating many farmers to consider transitioning their farms to organic production. While organic production can help farmers gain access to new markets, improve soil and increase profits, the transition process […]

Sustainable Agriculture Through Sustainable Learning news new-sare-bulletin-highlights-best-practices-for-adult-learning

New SARE Bulletin Highlights Best Practices for Adult Learning

Studies show that farmers learn best through in-person, face-to-face educational programs. But learning opportunities often miss the mark due to content choice, disorganization or lack of understanding of participants' learning styles. Educators that use best adult learning practices have a greater effect on participants’ learning and retention, and empower farmers to make sustainable changes to […]

SARE logo featuring a yellow setting sun and two green hills with contour news associate-director

SARE Seeks Applications for Associate Director Position

The University of Maryland seeks an Associate Director for the National Reporting, Coordination and Communications Office (NRCCO) of the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program.  This Associate Director position is appropriate for both experienced and early career professionals. See for a full job description, responsibilities, qualifications and application guidelines. Submit applications by the […]

What is Sustainable Agriculture Animation Episode news new-conservation-tillage-and-soil-health-video-from-sare

New "Conservation Tillage and Soil Health" Video from SARE

The newest episode of SARE’s “What is Sustainable Agriculture?” animation series illustrates how many producers are retiring conventional tillage equipment and turning to conservation tillage to improve soil health and productivity. “Conservation Tillage and Soil Health” provides a short, animated outline of the basic principles of conservation tillage that can be used to introduce or […]