Newsroom Page: 5

Showing 81-100 of 123 results

Sustainable Funding Guide news updated-guide-to-usda-programs-opens-door-to-millions-of-dollars-of-available-funding

Updated Guide to USDA Programs Opens Door to Millions of Dollars of Available Funding

Building Sustainable Farms, Ranches and Communities covers 62 government programs and has been updated to include program updates from the 2018 Farm Bill. Each program listing provides a description of the program’s available resources, information on how to apply, and in some cases, examples of how the funding has been used.

A tractor passing through a news 2020-cover-crop-survey-report

National Farmer Survey Documents a Wide Range of Cover Crop Benefits as Acreage Continues to Expand

Despite the crippling rainfall that significantly delayed planting across much of the country in 2019, more than 90% of farmers participating in a national cover crop survey reported that cover crops allowed them to plant earlier or at the same time as non-cover-cropped fields. Among those who had "planted green," seeding cash crops into growing […]

cover image of news conservation-tillage-systems-in-the-southeast-production-profitability-and-stewardship

Conservation Tillage Systems in the Southeast: Production, Profitability and Stewardship

“What could be more important to a farmer than soil erosion and soil quality? High-quality soil is a business asset,” says Bob Rawlins, a Georgia farmer who has been using no-till farming for 40 years. SARE’s newest book, Conservation Tillage Systems in the Southeast, explores the importance of conservation tillage and provides in-depth management guidance […]

Beds covered with plastic between crops to accelerate the decomposition of plant news urban-farmers-adopt-more-efficient-soil-management-practices

Urban Farmers Adopt More Efficient Soil Management Practices

THE CHALLENGE When it comes to keeping their soils healthy and productive, most farmers willingly put in the work. For urban growers like Adam and Melissa Millsap, who operate Urban Roots Farm, an intensive production system on less than one acre near downtown Springfield, Missouri, soil management can come with unique challenges. They say that […] news sare-funding-in-your-state-2

SARE Funding in Your State

Since 1988, the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program has helped farmers, ranchers, researchers and educators develop cutting edge innovations that improve farm profitability, protect water and land, and revitalize communities. Funded by the United States Department of Agriculture's National Institute for Food and Agriculture, SARE has awarded nearly $300 million to more than 7,300 […] news new-video-how-sare-supports-farmer-driven-sustainability

New Video: How SARE Supports Farmer-Driven Sustainability

There is no universal vision for agricultural sustainability in the United States—every region, every farm may require a different approach to improving livelihoods, protecting the nation’s land and water resources, and strengthening communities. Since its inception in 1988, the SARE program has supported a broad range of innovations in sustainability through its grassroots, farmer-driven grants […] news nac-index-of-sare-funded-agroforestry-projects-now-online

NAC Index of SARE-Funded Agroforestry Projects Now Online

Photo credit: Shibu Jose, University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry Valuable SARE-funded agroforestry research is now even more accessible to producers and educators across the country thanks to a new online index created by the National Agroforestry Center (NAC) using data from the SARE project database. The NAC index allows users to search SARE-funded agroforestry […]

A bee on a red news reflections-of-a-sare-fellow

Reflections of a SARE Fellow

The 2014-2016 cadre of SARE Fellows visited numerous farms in Arkansas, Nebraska, Idaho, and West Virginia to study sustainable agricultural practices. The Fellows themselves were from Florida, Maine, Missouri, and Washington; they overlapped with eight other Fellows who were either starting or ending their two-year study period. The various locations visited, diverse enterprises studied, and range […]