Showing 21-40 of 149 results

From the Earth: Advancing Food Sovereignty with the Stockbridge-Munsee Community
With their From the Earth project, Tribal growers and educators with the Stockbridge-Munsee Community are increasing access to traditional foods using sustainable growing methods.

Goats Adapt to Virtual Fencing
Allysse Sorensen has been experimenting with virtual fencing for targeted grazing with goats.

Generating Income from Pollinator Habitat on an Urban Farm
Mark Brannen of Benson Bounty in Omaha, Neb., used a SARE Farmer Rancher grant to establish native plant habitat on his 0.75-acre urban farm and assess what revenue stream he could get by selling cut flowers.

Attracting Beneficial Insects to Urban Farms
Always seeking ways to improve the sustainability of their farm, EarthDance Farm in Ferguson, Missouri used a SARE Farmer Rancher grant to incorporate both permaculture and IPM practices.

Using Lung Scanning Technology to Identify Respiratory Illnesses
Using a SARE Farmer/Rancher grant, Tabitha Steckler Hurst of Hunley Creek Heifer Farm in southern Indiana set out to see if the same ultrasound technology used to scan cows for pregnancy could be used in a practical setting to scan lungs for illness.

Bringing Healthy Options to Food Deserts
Partnering with two other farms, Legacy Taste of the Garden Operations Director John Jamerson used a SARE Farmer Rancher grant on a multi-faceted project to increase the availability of whole foods in food deserts in Princeton, Evansville, and Indianapolis.

Growing and Selling Mushrooms with Lauren McCalister
Lauren McCalister has been working with a network of farmers, brewers, coffee vendors, and consumers near Bloomington, Indiana who are reducing by-product waste through the production and marketing of mushrooms.

Sustaining the Human Spirit in Farm Country
A course in skills-based suicide alertness prepared Ruth Linkenmeyer-Meirick for a desperate call from a friend.

Improving Honeybee Queen Quality and Diversity in Ohio
Hongmei Li-Byarlay is working to improve the quality and quantity of queen bee production in Ohio.

Black Soldier Fly Composting Takes Flight on Urban Farms
Caydee Terrell received SARE support to study the utility of black soldier fly larvae composting on urban farms.

Sustaining the Sugarbush in a Tribal Community
For more than 15 years, Eric DuPuis has been a sugarmaker with the Nagaajiwanaang band of Anishinaabe Ojibwe people near Cloquet, Minnesota. With SARE support, he made some improvements to his sugarmaking enterprise that benefited his business and community.

Grazing Cover Crops and Advancing Farmer Networks in Wisconsin
Dane County Land Conservation was able to support and create intentional spaces for a group of farmers willing to take a chance on establishing and utilizing cover crops on their farms to improve soil health.

Growing Solutions with Chicago’s West Side
Growing Solutions Farm received a SARE grant to enhance their sustainable growing program in Chicago that engages with young, diverse, West Side learners.

Cultivating Food and Community with Indianapolis' Soul Food Project
Indianapolis' Soul Food Project is growing food and community with a farmers market stand and CSA program for Northeast side residents.

High-Efficiency, Year-Round Tropical Greenhouse in South Dakota
In Aurora, South Dakota, Shannon Mutschelknaus received SARE support to compare the various features of multiple passive solar greenhouse designs.

Prairie Strips as a Farmland Conservation Practice
Farmers and researchers in Iowa have been planting prairie strips in their crop fields to help reduce surface runoff.

Best Practices for Hemp Production in Kansas
The Kansas Hemp Consortium is working to increase awareness and industry knowledge of industrial hemp.

Physical Weed Control Strategies for Midwest Vegetable Growers
A group of farmers and researchers has been working to generate useful, farm-tested, and detailed observations on the best methods and tools for managing in-row weeds. This image is a Tilmor cultivating tractor with finger-weeders belly mounted.

Bringing Fresh Foods to Illinois Schools and Institutions
Illinois' Hendrick House Farm is working to create new opportunities for local farmers, bringing the local food revolution to community farms and schools.

North Dakota Farmers Lead the Way With Bale Grazing
In, North Dakota, siblings Erin and and Drew Gaugler are experimenting with bale grazing, or the practice of leaving hay bales in fields during the winter for livestock to graze.