Fact sheets, brochures, posters, and other resources that explain and promote the North Central Region SARE program and sustainable agriculture.

North Central SARE Logo and Acknowledgement Information
North Central SARE Logo and Acknowledgement Information

NCR-SARE Grant Program Sheets
One page flyers pertaining to the major competitive grant programs offered by NCR-SARE.

NCR-SARE Program Brochure
A brochure containing general information about NCR-SARE

The Farmer Field Day Toolkit
New to organizing a field day? Take a look at the tips, tools and resources assembled here to help guarantee a successful event.

Virtual Field Day Tips and Tricks
NCR-SARE has two recorded webinars for SARE grantees about hosting virtual field days.

COVID-19 Sales and Marketing Resources
More farmers/ranchers are pursuing online sales to market their products so they can comply with physical distancing requirements associated with COVID-19. On this page, NCR-SARE will share resources for online sales and marketing for producers adjusting to new realities associated with COVID-19.

Field Notes is NCR-SARE's newsletter. In Field Notes, NCR-SARE shares announcements, stories about grantees, and news about the program. It is mailed and emailed to subscribers upon request. Subscribe now. Featured stories from this Issue of Field Notes Field Notes Newsletter Archive Curious about a particular topic? Search all SARE products.

NCR-SARE Farmers Forum
NCR-SARE's Farmers Forums are events that give farmers, ranchers, and others who have received SARE grants the chance to share information about sustainable agriculture through presentations at events in the region. Whenever possible, videos of these presentations are recorded and posted to NCR-SARE's YouTube channel. This Season's Farmers Forums This conference season, watch for SARE Farmers […]
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Funded Grants in Your State
State-by-state summaries, lists and profiles of the SARE grants portfolio.

Youth and Sustainable Agriculture
A collection of SARE resources, programs, curricula, and learning modules that can be used for educational programming and planning.

Sustainable Ag Poster
A poster depicting the elements of sustainable agriculture.
Powerpoint Template for Research Poster
This Powerpoint template makes featuring NCR-SARE projects at poster sessions a breeze. Simply replace the featured NCR-SARE projects with NCR-SARE projects that are relevant for your event.