Showing 1-6 of 6 results

Anishinaabe nandagikenjigewin miinawaa Eshandizoyang: An Experiential Introduction to Anishinaabe Science and Food Sovereignty
This experiential curriculum format was designed by Aamookwe Amy McCoy and grounded in Anishinaabe scientific epistemology and ontology with accompanying demonstrations of curricula for experiential learning through relationships connected to food sovereignty.

How to Launch a Women Farmer Network in Your Community
"How to Launch a Women Farmer Network in Your Community" inspires women farmers to organize local networks.

Down on the Farm: Supporting Farmers in Stressful Times
Down on the Farm: Supporting Farmers in Stressful Times is a free workshop kit that teaches folks how to recognize and respond to a farmer that might need help.
Creating Change in the Food System: The Role of Regional Food Networks in Iowa
In Creating Change in the Food System, the authors present a case study of an integrated effort to build long-term local and regional food commerce in Iowa using a community of practice approach. This report, authored by Rich Pirog of Michigan State University's Center for Regional Food Systems and Corry Bregendahl of the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture […]

Camelina: Seed to Oil Video
This short documentary follows a Minnesota family as they grow and locally press organic Camelina Oil.

Women Caring for the Land: Improving Conservation Outreach to Female Non-Operator Farmland Owners Curriculum Manual
With the help of an NCR-SARE Research and Education Grant and funding from other sources, WFAN developed an award winning curriculum called Women Caring for the LandSM (WCL), which is designed to serve female non-operator landowners who are interested in learning more about conservation and other land management topics. The materials are also appropriate to teach youth about sustainable agriculture through hands-on conservation activity lesson plans.