Partnership Grant

About the Partnership Grant Program

The Partnership Grant program is intended to foster cooperation between agriculture professionals and small groups of farmers and ranchers to catalyze on-farm research, demonstration, and education activities related to sustainable agriculture. 

Examples of appropriate projects include:  developing a curriculum about food storage for farmers and processors, on-farm testing of cropping system strategies or grazing systems, cooperative efforts to develop new marketing approaches, or investigations into new approaches to processing and/or adding value to sustainably produced farm products. 

  • Partnership Grants are for on-farm research, demonstration, and/or educational projects funded for up to 24 months.
  • Partnership grants can be up to $50,000.
  • About 20 projects are funded each year. In 2023, NCR-SARE received 44 proposals and selected 21 proposals for funding.
  • An Agricultural Professional is the grant applicant and the project coordinator.
  • Typically three or more farmers or ranchers are expected to be substantially involved in the project.
  • Each farm/ranch must be an independent and separate/distinct operation.
  • NCR-SARE uses an online grant application system for this program. More information is available in the call for proposals.
  • The NCR-SARE Administrative Council makes Grant-making decisions.
  • sample call for proposals is available throughout the year, but you should always consult the current call for proposals when applying.
  • The portfolio of research grants is reviewed and awarded on the annual timeline.
  • Take a look at grants that have been previously funded.
  • View the grants funded in the last grant cycle.

Any agriculture/natural resource professional in the North Central region may apply. These professionals are:

  • University educators including extension agents and specialists
  • NRCS field staff
  • Agricultural consultants (individuals who actively consult with farmers and ranchers as certified crop advisors, soils consultants, ranching consultants, etc.)
  • Nonprofit or agency staff assisting farmer and ranchers at the local level

Funding decisions are made by NCR-SARE's regional Administrative Council, after receiving feedback from a review committee. The Administrative Council is a collection of farmers, ranchers, university representatives, nonprofit representatives, Extension and NRCS people, other government employees, and agribusiness representatives. This group sets research priorities and recommends projects for funding.


Timelines are subject to change. Always adhere to the due date listed in the current Call for Proposals.

  • Early August: Call for Proposals Released
  • Late October: Proposals Due
  • February: Funding Decisions
  • March: Funds Available to Recipients


This 2024 Partnership Grant Program presentation was prepared by NCR-SARE.

  • Download a PowerPoint slideshow about the Partnership Grant program.
  • View a video of a 2024 Partnership Grant Program presentation.

Personal Contact

A unique aspect of NCR-SARE is our personal contact with grantees involved in the program. Beth Nelson and Rob Myers work together to coordinate the Partnership Grant Program. Feel free to contact either Beth or Rob.

Beth Nelson
Regional Coordinator and Director of Research and Education Programs
Phone: 612-626-4436
Email: [email protected]

Rob Myers
Regional Coordinator and Director of Professional Development (Extension) Programs
Phone: 573-882-1547
Email: [email protected]

Recent Grant Projects

Click on the links below to access lists of funded project information. You can also view lists of projects that have been funded in your state.

Professional Development
List of 2023 Professional Development Program Projects
Research and Education
List of 2023 Research and Education Projects
Youth Educator
List of 2023 Youth Educator Projects
Graduate Student
List of 2023 Graduate Student Projects
Farmer Rancher
List of 2023 Farmer Rancher Projects
List of 2024 Partnership Projects