Graduate Student Grant

About the Graduate Student Grant Program

The North Central Region SARE (NCR-SARE) Graduate Student Grant Program supports projects by graduate students that address sustainable agriculture issues and are part of the student’s degree program. NCR-SARE instituted the Graduate Student Grant Program in 2002 for officially registered graduate students (Masters and Ph.D.) enrolled at accredited colleges or universities. Projects must benefit agriculture in the North Central Region.

NCR-SARE’s Graduate Student Grant Program is a competitive grant program to fund graduate student projects that address sustainable agriculture issues. A candidate may only receive one NCR-SARE Graduate Student award during her or his graduate student career. Generally:

  • Graduate Student Grant awards can be up to $20,000.
  • Projects may last up to 36 months.
  • About 20 projects are funded each year. In 2023, NCR-SARE received 58 proposals and selected 22 proposals for funding.
  • sample call for proposals is available throughout the year, but you should always consult the current call for proposals when applying.
  • The portfolio of research grants is reviewed and awarded on the annual timeline.
  • Take a look at grants that have been previously funded.
  • Review the projects funded in the last grant cycle.


Timelines are subject to change. Always adhere to the due date listed in the current Call for Proposals.

  • February - Call for Proposals Released
  • April - Proposals Due
  • July - Funding Decisions
  • September - Funds Available to Recipients


  • Download a PowerPoint slideshow about the Graduate Student Grant program.
  • NCR-SARE hosted a Zoom meeting about applying for a Graduate Student grant on February 21, 2024. View the recording.

Personal Contact

A unique aspect of NCR-SARE is our personal contact with graduate students involved in the program. Beth Nelson is our Graduate Student Program Coordinator. Feel free to contact Beth.

Beth Nelson
Regional Coordinator and Director of Research and Education Programs
Phone: 612-626-4436
Email: [email protected]

Recent Grant Projects

Click on the links below to access lists of funded project information. You can also view lists of projects that have been funded in your state.

Professional Development
List of 2023 Professional Development Program Projects
Research and Education
List of 2023 Research and Education Projects
Youth Educator
List of 2023 Youth Educator Projects
Graduate Student
List of 2023 Graduate Student Projects
Farmer Rancher
List of 2023 Farmer Rancher Projects
List of 2024 Partnership Projects