Newsroom Page: 7

Showing 121-126 of 126 results news ncr-sare-establishes-ncr-sare-hero-recognition-honors-bill-wilcke

NCR-SARE Establishes “NCR-SARE Hero Recognition,” Honors Bill Wilcke

                Bill Wilcke, photo courtesy of the University of Minnesota NCR-SARE is pleased to announce that William F. Wilcke is the first person to receive the “NCR-SARE Hero Recognition.” Coordinated by the NCR-SARE Alumni Organization, this recognition recognizes the leadership, vision, contributions, and impact that these heroes have made […] news beth-nelson-named-regional-coordinator-and-director-for-ncr-sare

Beth Nelson Named Regional Coordinator and Director for NCR-SARE

Dr. Beth Nelson has been named the Regional Coordinator and Director of Research and Education Programs for the North Central Region of the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program (NCR-SARE). Her appointment is effective Monday, July 16, 2012, when she replaced Interim Regional Coordinator Dr. Vance Morey, who was filling in for Dr. Bill Wilcke, […] news the-brilliance-of-a-scientist-george-washington-carver

The Brilliance of a Scientist: George Washington Carver

NCR-SARE grant recipient and Administrative Council member, Edgar Hicks, and NCR-SARE Administrative Council member, Nancy Williams, recently contributed to a feature about George Washington Carver in Revive Omaha Magazine's Empowerment Edition. -------------------- The Brilliance of a Scientist Through the Carver Grange of Omaha (CarGO) Source: Revive Omaha Magazine, by By No More Empty Pots, Susan Whitfield […]