This Youth Educator Topic Room is SARE's one-stop shop for free sustainable agriculture educational resources—the results of 25 years of SARE-funded research—for youth and youth educators.
Also, NCR-SARE's Youth Educator grants provide opportunities for youth to learn about sustainable agriculture (farming and ranching that is ecologically sound, profitable, and socially responsible). Youth Educator grants support projects by youth educators in the North Central region that encourage youth to try sustainable practices and explore sustainable agriculture as a viable career option.
Youth Educator Resources
The programs, curricula, and learning modules listed below can be used for educational programming and planning for youth.

What is Sustainable Agriculture?
This award-winning report provides a sampler of best practices in sustainable agriculture—from marketing and community vitality to cover crops and grazing—as well as eight profiles of producers, educators and researchers who have successfully implemented them.

Sustainable Agriculture Resources and Programs for K-12 Youth
This 38-page guide to sustainable agriculture-oriented educational opportunities for schoolchildren features more than 75 programs and curricula nationwide.

Sustainable Ag Poster
A poster depicting the elements of sustainable agriculture.
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Youth Educator Grant Fact Sheet
The North Central Region SARE (NCR-SARE) recognizes that youth programs are a way to introduce new and exciting farming and ranching options to youth, parents, and community members. Youth Educator grants support projects by youth educators that encourage youth to try sustainable practices and explore sustainable agriculture as a viable career option.

Sustainable Agriculture Learning Modules for High School Agriculture
Established with the aid of a NCR-SARE Professional Development grant, these Sustainable Agriculture Learning Modules from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln were created to offer insight into what sustainability within agriculture actually looks like.

Internship Curriculum for Food Farmers
With the help of an NCR-SARE Farmer Rancher Grant, three farmers worked with interns to develop 26 educational power point modules as part of a comprehensive intern educational program. The internship curriculum is useful for small farmers to use on their own to educate themselves and to provide a rich experience for interns.

Edible Avalon Curriculum
This summer program curriculum teaches youth about local food systems and sustainable agriculture.

Soil Health and Nutrient Management for Minority Farmers: a Train-the-Trainer Workshop
With support from SARE, a team of researchers, educators, and producers in Minnesota developed a soil health and cover cropping handbook as a train-the-trainer resource for educators, mentors, and community leaders working with immigrant and minority growers.

Toward a Sustainable Agriculture: A Curriculum for High School Classes
This free high-school curriculum addresses the social, environmental and economic impacts of agriculture. The curriculum provides a critical analysis of agricultural and food systems, and helps students understand new concepts through hands-on examples. The curriculum includes six modules, designed to be incorporated into existing classes.

Farm to School Training Toolkit
Resources for ag educators and community leaders who are starting a farm to school program.
Cooperative Extension Farm to School Resources
Farm to School resources available from ASAP in North Carolina.
Online Conference For Farmers & Teachers A Whole Systems Approach To Farm And School Education For The Future Of Food Security
This 21-video conference series will engage partnerships between small farmers and teachers/schools for the future of food security. URL: Ordering Information Good Shepherd Montessori Schooltniemier@gsms.orgGSMS1101 E Jefferson BlvdSOUTH BEND, IN 46619 ID: 21 video conferenceCost: $10.00